Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Chariot: Passion and Perseverance Always Trump Adversity

The Chariot (Major Arcana card 7) is a card about triumph over adversity. It is the last frontier the young Fool must conquer in order to ascend to the higher levels of mental, emotional and spiritual growth. The Chariot is all about success on the earthly – or physical - plane.

The Chariot - Anna K Tarot
Up until he hit the Lovers card, the Fool has had the protection and guidance of spiritual and earthly teachers as he began his journey through this life. He first met the Magician, and learned about personal power. He then met the High Priestess and Empress, where he worked on developing his intuition and creative skills. With the Emperor and Hierophant, he learned about structure and order, and how to use his talents to affect positive changes in his life and the world around him. It is safe to say, that the Fool was pretty protected as he gained familiarity about the workings of the earth.

That all changed when he encountered the experiences identified through the Lovers card. It is at this juncture that he came in contact with others who were at similar points in their journeys. He experienced love, choices, challenges and disappointments. This is where he began to internalize the far-reaching consequences of the decisions he has made.

To equate this to a “real-life” situation, this section of the Fool’s journey would be similar to a very young adult, getting ready to assert his or her independence in the world. The choices they have made in their interactions with others and themselves have consequences – both good and bad. Up until the Lovers card, they have had the structured guidance of the preceding four major arcana. If they followed that advice – or if they didn’t follow that advice – they are feeling the effects of this now.

This leads us to the Chariot. The Chariot represents the efforts of that same young adult to make his or her way in this world. The individual is using all his or her experiences and talents in order to move toward a goal. There will be obstacles for sure. Some are self-imposed from previous choices. Additional obstacles will come into play because of choices yet-to-be-made by themselves and others.

The Chariot represents the determination of the spirit to overcome these challenges and reach one’s goals. Depending on where the Chariot shows up in a spread, its presence could herald a successful outcome. However, regardless of where you find it, the Chariot does indicate successful forward motion despite hardship.

The images on the card usually depict a lone charioteer attempting to control two animals that are pulling in opposite directions. He maintains a look of steely determination and does not remove his eyes from his goal. This image symbolizes the constant pull of opposites within the spirit of man. It can represent simpler concepts like youthful desires versus age-related responsibilities. It can be more complex and suggest an inner struggle between virtue and vice. Or it can represent deeper desires of dreams versus the harshness of reality.

Regardless of the specific struggle the Chariot represents, the true beauty of this card can be found in the underlying message about the strength of the human spirit. When this card shows up in a spread, it is a reminder about the importance of fighting the “Good Fight,” even in the face of overwhelming adversity. Sometimes the lesson of the Chariot is really about the triumph of the spirit to survive and thrive when enmeshed in an environment that appears on the surface to only want to destroy it.