There is something about the High Priestess Major Arcana Tarot Card (Number 2) that makes people stop and take notice. She has a presence about her, yes, but there is something more – something almost intangible that we all desperately want for ourselves.
What the High Priestess has that so many of us seek is a deep connection to our Authentic Self, and an understanding of how to interpret the Divine Light that exists within us.
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Traditional images of the High Priestess have her sitting on a throne in religious-type garb. The image is of a conservative, reserved woman similar to a nun. Her head is covered and she is surrounded by objects that suggest balance, spiritual knowledge and abundance.
More modern versions of the High Priestess present a different view. These variations show a more nubile female who has manifested her spirituality more clearly on earth. The female in this second rendition can vary in age, but she is still very much connected to the energy of the earth.
Regardless of which image you prefer, the element which commands the most attention in every High Priestess card is the intensity of the look in her eyes. It is impossible not to connect with her powerful stare.
One look at her eyes and it is becomes obvious to even a novice reader that the High Priestess knows why she is here and lives her life according to that purpose. She understands the depth of her power, yet does not feel the need to impress people with it. She has an inner knowing – an intuition – that guides her as she makes difficult decisions. The High Priestess is independent in thought and action, but still manages to remain connected to her fellow man. She is a leader, a teacher and a spiritual advisor. She believes in sharing her knowledge, but does not force it on anyone.
The High Priestess teaches us that it is okay to listen to that voice inside you when making life decisions. More importantly, the High Priestess advises us to be confident and courageous in the actions we take as we follow our paths. She is a testament to the individual who spiritually awakens and follows her calling despite being surrounded by the masses who choose to remain in a spiritual slumber.
When the High Priestess appears in your reading, you are being encouraged to pay attention to your intuition. Your higher – more Authentic Self – is trying to get your attention. There is something you know you should be doing, although you may be hesitating to act. Her presence suggests an inner knowing is already present and that action is required. The High Priestess appears in a spread to inspire and motivate you. She is reminding you that you already possess everything you could possibly need to be successful. She represents a physical manifestation of your more intuitive self who is you asking you to cross the threshold and align with a life more in tune with your Divine Purpose and Authentic Self.