or me, learning Tarot has been like starting out on a journey withou t a clear plan in place. I have always known where I wanted to go. I just wasn’t exactly sure about how to get there. My work with the Tarot has been an exciting, life-changing adventure. Because of this, it is no wonder I have such an affinity for the very first card of the deck - The Fool. With its rich symbols and meanings, it is a fitting character to meet as we begin to explore all 78-cards.
Regardless of the particular Tarot deck you choose, the images on The Fool almost always contain similar symbols. The most pronounced image is that of The Fool perched precariously on the edge of some type of precipice – usually a cliff. Despite this unsteady environment, The Fool seems blissfully ignorant of the dangers around him. On his head he wears a cap of some sort, often adorned with a feather. A faithful companion can be seen nearby, and he carries a white rose in his hand and his meager possessions on a stick over his shoulder. While not all Tarot decks contain all of these images, many of the symbols are visible regardless of the Tarot artist.
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Tarot card images used with permission from Anna Klaffinger, creator of the Anna K Tarot. For more information on this deck, visit www.annak-tarot.at |
What’s important to note is not so much the individual symbols, but the message they deliver. It is easy to feel the reckless abandon with which the Fool embarks on his journey. His youthful courage can be both inspiring and disturbing. He is so excited to use the knowledge he has acquired and to make his mark in the world, he appears oblivious to the obvious pitfalls around him. Despite this, he ventures forward with the confidence that his faithful posse (symbolized by the dog)will be there to support him. After all, they were there as he made some impressive accomplishments already. (Symbolized by the feather in his cap.) He is confident in the skills he has acquired so far (symbolized by the sack over his shoulder – which in some decks has a distinct ‘anatomical’ look to it) and is sure he will use these talents when so many wonderful opportunities emerge (as symbolized by the white rose).
Ahhhhhhh…… To be so sure of one self and one’s future. That is the gift of The Fool. He has yet to be burned. His dream has not been squashed. His confidence not shattered by some of the harsher realities of the world. The Fool truly is the Authentic Self. He is pure and innocent and undamaged. He carries no karma. His slate is clean, and his focus is on his True North.
To learn the Tarot, or follow any dream, one must deeply embrace the energy of The Fool. This does not mean fumbling blindly into a career or pursuing a course of study without direction. Rather, it means you must become the very excitement and courage The Fool exudes. If you look carefully at the card, The Fool is not without some assets. He has many skills that he has acquired and a few accomplishments under his belt. He has opportunities that are presented, and the support of a loyal network of people. But, what he has that truly drives him forward is enthusiasm and commitment. As I look at the card, I feel The Fool is much more intelligent than he appears to be. I believe The Fool paused at the edge because he does see the cliff before him. He is not dashing recklessly forward. Rather, he is perched near the cliff looking for other ways to cross this unexpected chasm. Instead of giving up or turning around at this seemingly insurmountable obstacle, he directs his focus beyond it, looking for ways around it.
To me, that is the biggest lesson this card conveys. Basically, he’s telling us to pursue our dreams full-speed ahead and not let unexpected problems get in our way. The Fool reminds us that there is no straight line in life when it comes to following your plans. Instead, it’s a series on twisting paths and broken roads. The Fool lets us know it is okay to be flexible and change direction on your path to your goal. However, he also warns us not to lose sight of that goal.
Basically, if we remember the lessons of The Fool – to always make an enthusiastic start, to use our skills to help us, to keep ideas and plans flexible and to not lose sight of our desired destination, we will experience a world of contentment as we move in a direction that aligns us with who we really are at the core of our being.